Well, this is a little difficult for me because you all will find out what a freak I am. It would probably be titled better "My 7 OCDs!" Well, here we go:
All the light switches have to be facing the same direction (up or down)Yes, I go through the house and make frequent checks to make sure all of my light switches are going the same direction. Kirt knows that this absolutely drives me nuts so when he was remodeling the house he made sure that on one light switch panel, with three switches, that they couldn't all be facing one way. It absolutely drives me nuts!
Dresser drawers must be closed at all times with no clothes hanging out. So at night before I go to bed I have to make my rounds to all the rooms and make sure that all the dresser drawers are shut and all the clothes tucked in. I think this started when I was 12. I left my drawer open and when I went to get clothes there was a gigantic spider in my drawer. So I figure if everything is shut nothing will get in, pluse it looks neater.
I can't stand to wear socks.My toes must be able to breath and move at all times. Socks suffocate and inable the toes to wiggle and move.
I hate the dark.I have night lights in all my rooms. Childish, I know! But I can't stand not being able to see at all times.
I hate to be alone.I can't stand being alone. And with 3 children I really am not ever alone, but alone without adult company. So when Kirt works at night I like to call people to try to keep me company. This is sad to admit but it is true.
I kick butt at burping. I love to burp. I can out burp most people I know, except my mom. She is the one that taught me!!
My dishes have to be done before I go to bed.I can not stand waking up to a dirty kitchen. It is a bad way to start off my day and I hate a dirty kitchen.
The 7 people I tag are- Amy, Amber, Nicole, Cindy, Jenna, Morgan, and Kim.