Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Little Jakers!

I haven't posted pictures of Jake for a while so I thought I would do a little recap of the last month! And as you can tell his sisters got to him. I knew this would happen sometime in life but not this soon!


So, I know these pumpkin pancakes have nothing to do with the Christmas season except they are a way fun Halloween tradition that my Mom started when we were kids. Halloween morning she would get up and make us pumpkin pancakes. I absolutely loved it and now I do them every Halloween for my family.

I am on the hunt for fun Christmas traditions, no matter how small, to start with my family. I love traditions and look forward to them. So please help me by telling me some of your fun family traditions! I would love to get some ideas! Thanks!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Anniversary Kirt!

I just wanted my husband to know that I love him so much! I am so thankful for the wonderful marriage that we have and for all that he does for me! I can't believe that we have been married for 7 years! Time flies so fast. Just a fun little fact about our wedding date; Kirt and I went out on our first date (blind date) on November 24, 2000. We got married November 24, 2001, exactly one year to the date that we met. Kind of fun and easy to remember! Thank you Uncle Kerry and Aunt Mel for setting us up! You truly are great matchmakers! I love you Kirt and thanks for all you do for our family!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


What a perfect Halloween! I had a cute little Squirt, the turtle off of Finding Nemo, an adorable Tinker Bell, and Wonder Woman! They were so cute!

Tagged by Becky-My 7 Quirks

Well, this is a little difficult for me because you all will find out what a freak I am. It would probably be titled better "My 7 OCDs!" Well, here we go:

1. All the light switches have to be facing the same direction (up or down)
Yes, I go through the house and make frequent checks to make sure all of my light switches are going the same direction. Kirt knows that this absolutely drives me nuts so when he was remodeling the house he made sure that on one light switch panel, with three switches, that they couldn't all be facing one way. It absolutely drives me nuts!

2. Dresser drawers must be closed at all times with no clothes hanging out. So at night before I go to bed I have to make my rounds to all the rooms and make sure that all the dresser drawers are shut and all the clothes tucked in. I think this started when I was 12. I left my drawer open and when I went to get clothes there was a gigantic spider in my drawer. So I figure if everything is shut nothing will get in, pluse it looks neater.

3. I can't stand to wear socks.My toes must be able to breath and move at all times. Socks suffocate and inable the toes to wiggle and move.

4. I hate the dark.I have night lights in all my rooms. Childish, I know! But I can't stand not being able to see at all times.

5. I hate to be alone.I can't stand being alone. And with 3 children I really am not ever alone, but alone without adult company. So when Kirt works at night I like to call people to try to keep me company. This is sad to admit but it is true.

6. I kick butt at burping. I love to burp. I can out burp most people I know, except my mom. She is the one that taught me!!

7. My dishes have to be done before I go to bed.I can not stand waking up to a dirty kitchen. It is a bad way to start off my day and I hate a dirty kitchen.

The 7 people I tag are- Amy, Amber, Nicole, Cindy, Jenna, Morgan, and Kim.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tagged by Kim

5 foods I enjoy
1. Anything sweet
2. Homemade chicken noodle soup
3. Cube steak with rice
4. Sunkist (beverage, I know)
5. Ham & cheese salads

5 movies I enjoy
1. Field of Dreams
2. How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days
3. Anything Doris Day
4. Mine, yours, and Ours (the old one)
5. Peter Pan

5 things that make me happy
1. A clean house
2. Spending time with my family
3. Not having to work
4. Phone calls from friends and family
5. Healthy children

5 stores I like to shop
1. Target
2. Old Navy
3. Maurices
4. Michaels
5. Anywhere, I love to shop!

5 people I tag
1. Amy
2. Becky
3. Amber & Nicole
4. Josi
5. Cherice

Is that Grandpa McKee?

It was so funny, at the Pumpkin Walk today the kids saw this "tall man" and said, "Wow, he is tall like Grandpa McKee!" I must say, we do have a very tall Grandpa, but his height is just a small comparison of what a great man he is! We love him so much and are so greatful he is in our lives!

Pumpkin Walk

We went to the Pumpkin Walk in North Logan today with my Mom, Amber and her kids, and all my little ones. It was so fun. It has always been a family tradition to go every fall. The kids love seeing the different pumpkins and ecspecially putting there heads in the paintings of the characters bodies. We always get a good laugh at how pickin cute they are!

Wheelbarrow Full of Princesses

Last Saturday Kirt was outside doing yard work and I had looked out to see how things were coming along. When I opened the door I could hear cute little laughter and walked out to investigate what was happening. When I walked around the corner I found a Wheelbarrow full of princesses! They were having so much fun. We are so lucky and grateful to have such a fun Dad that does fun things with us!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Little Teeth!

Our litte Jakers is getting teeth! His little teeth are so cute! I have been trying to get pictures of them for so long and finally got them! So cute, but they do hurt!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Family pictures

My wonderful sister Amber took our family pictures last Friday. She did such a wonderful job! I don't know how I lucked out enough to have her as a sister!! How lucky are we!! Thanks Amber, they turned out wonderful!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Slushy Walks

Well if there is one thing that we have done consistantly over the summer it has been our slushy walks. We have been blessed to have the best sno shack in the valley right down the street from us. On special days (2-3 times a week) the kids put on all their bike gear and they ride their bikes down and Jake and I follow, and we go get us a slushy! It has been so fun! It will be one thing that will be greatly missed when our summer is over!

Family Favorite Flavors:
Kirt: Sour grape mixed with sour apple (yuck)!
Tonya: Tigers blood (until half way through the summer Shay got heat stroke on the way
back and up chucked her tigers blood), and mango madness
Kaitlyn: Bubble gum and red raspberry, blue raspberry mixed
Shaylee: Cotton Candy
Jake: Little tastes from everyone!!

Kaitlyn's first day of school

Wow, I'm old! I can't believe I already have a kid in school! Kaitlyn was so excited to go to school and the first week has been an adventure! On Monday we had family home evening and talked about strangers, not going with people we don't know, and not letting people touch us, ect. . So I picked her up from school on Tuesday and asked her how her day was and this was her reply;

Mom: "how was school today?"

Kaitlyn: "nothing happened."

Mom: "what do you mean nothing happened?"

Kaitlyn: "I saw no strangers, no tried to kidnap me, no one tried to touch me, (and with a shrug of the shoulders), hum maybe it will happen tomarrow."

NO, we don't want it to happen tomarrow, or ever, crazy kid! I just don't know what I am going to do with her!

(special thanks to Grandma McKee for the cute Hannah Montana shirts that the girls think that they can wear everyday)!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

My Very First Post!

Well I've been feeling left out of the blog world, so Amber talked me into starting one. For my very first post I thought that I would tell you about our 9 day camping trip to Cedar City!! Every year we go down with Nicole's in-law family to Cedar for the bow hunt. Kirt is so sweet and wants his family there with him, so we all packed up and went camping. Kirt outfitted the whole family with camo and the kids looked so cute! While we were up there we took the kids fishing and Kaitlyn and Shaylee caught their very first fish! It was so much fun. We are not looking forward to getting back to everyday life but we enjoyed our time together!